State Constitution

Proposed and ratified at the first State meeting held at Blinn College, Brenham, Texas, April 30, 1966, at 10:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Blinn, Cisco, Henderson County, Kilgore, South Plains, and Wharton County Junior Colleges were represented.


ARTLICLE I: Name and Purposes:

Section A: The name of this organization shall be The Texas Junior College Agriculture Association (TJCAA). The name and/or letters may be officially used to designate the organization, its units, or members thereof, according to the occasion.

Section B: The purposes for which this organization is formed are as follows:
1. To promote leadership and fellowship among these students of agriculture.
2. To encourage a cooperative spirit among students of agriculture.
3. To promote the interests of the agriculture program in junior colleges.
4. To promote scholarship among the students of agriculture in junior colleges.
5. To provide services for local and state agricultural groups.
6. To promote competitive activities among Junior College Agriculture Clubs.

ARTICLE II: Organization:

Section A: The Texas Junior College Agriculture Association (TJCAA) is the State organization of junior college students of Texas majoring in agriculture and their advisors. It shall consist of chartered local chapters located geographically under the jurisdiction of the State organization.

Section B: Active Chapters of the Texas Junior College Agriculture Association (TJCAA) shall be chartered only in junior colleges where accredited courses in agriculture are offered at the junior college level.

Section C: Detailed organizational provisions shall be included in the by-laws of this Constitution.

ARTICLE III: Membership:

Section A: Membership in the State organizational provisions shall be two:
(1) active (2) honorary.

Section B: Membership defined:
1. Active membership shall consist of the chartered members of the State organization.
2. Honorary membership shall include any person or persons who have actively participated in the promotion of the agriculture programs in the junior colleges of Texas.

ARTICLE IV: Officers:

Section A: Student officers shall be selected from each participating institutions at the state convention each year it is held. Each school presents an officer to form an officer team to preside over the convention and awards banquet. The officer team internally selects a President to lead the team at the convention.

ARTICLE V: Meetings and Conventions

Section A: A State Convention of the Texas Junior College Agriculture Association (TJCAA) shall be held annually except in cases of extreme emergency declared by the Executive Trustees. The time and place of meeting of the Convention shall be determined by the Executive Trustees.

Section B: Delegates from active chapter shall meet in State Convention, organize, elect officers, and set up a program of work.

Section C: Each chapter is entitled to Three (3) voting delegates from the active membership to the State Convention. Voting delegates from a majority of chapters shall constitute a quorum.

Section D: Local chapters shall hold their meetings monthly or more often throughout the school year and at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee of the local chapter.


Section A: Annual membership dues in the State organization shall be $400 annually per chapter. New members will be given a reduced rate of $150 for their first year dues, and once the first year commitment is fulfilled standard annual dues will be implemented. All dues shall be paid to the State Secretary no later than the State Convention of that school year. The school year shall be from Convention to Convention.

Section B: The dues of any chapter shall be fixed by the chapter executive committee subject to a majority vote of the membership of that chapter.

ARTICLE VII: Amendments:

Section A: Proposed amendments to the State Constitution or by-laws to the Constitution must be submitted in written form to the local chapter 60 days prior to any State Convention of the organization. Amendments may be adopted or revisions made in the State Constitution at any State Convention by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present, providing they represent a quorum.

Section B: By-laws may be adopted to fit the needs of the State organization providing they are not in conflict with the State Constitution.

ARTICLE VIII: An honor society shall be set up on a State and local level.

Section A: Requirements needed to become a member:
1. Completed 9 hours of agriculture with a B average
2. Completed a minimum of 30 semester hours of college courses with a minimum of a C average in all nonagricultural courses
3. Receive 2/3 majority vote at any regular chapter meeting consisting of a quorum (vote by secret ballot)
4. Shall be of good character and possess definite qualities of leadership
5. Receive approval of the chapter Faculty Advisor

Section B: Each chapter may submit two (2) second-year members to compete for the Outstanding Student Award.

ARTICLE IX: Scrapbook:

Section A: Each chapter may present a scrapbook in order to compete for this award. The scrapbook should consist of news articles, pictures and material pertaining to the local chapter or chapter members.

Section B: The scrapbooks are to be judged by a designated selection committee.

Section C: Rules for scrapbook
1. Scrapbook represented by Ag Club members
2. Done only by Ag Club members

ARTICLE X: Outstanding Chapter Award:

Section A: Each chapter may submit an application for Outstanding Chapter Award.

Section B: Ranking shall be based upon a point system including the following criteria:
1. Yearly Events
2. Scrapbook
3. Outstanding Student
4. Officer Candidates
5. Attendance
6. Quizzes

Section C: Point System Requirements:
1. Each advisor is to fill out the Outstanding Chapter data sheet when their chapter participates in an activity.
2. An agriculture club event must fall into one of the following categories to qualify for the Outstanding Chapter data sheet:
a. An activity involving a school promotion
b. An activity that is community oriented


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